Dergi Arşiv Sistemi
An evaluation of hemoglobin and hematocrit levels among the patients with skin cancer and healthy individuals [Cilt kanserli hastalardaki hemoglobin ve hematokrit seviyesinin sağlıklı kişilerle karşılaştırılması]

An evaluation of hemoglobin and hematocrit levels among the patients with skin cancer and healthy individuals [Cilt kanserli hastalardaki hemoglobin ve hematokrit seviyesinin sağlıklı kişilerle karşılaştırılması]

Dear Editor, We read with great interest Benderli Cihan and his friends’ study entitled as “Comparison of haemoglobin and hematocrits levels in skin-cancer patients with the ones in healthy people” [1]. We congratulate the author and his friends for this study. In addition, we would like to note a few points for readers and the authors about the studied parameters. In the study, haemoglobin and hematocrits levels are respectively found as 13.86±1.8 g/ dL and 41.5±5.3% for BCC group, 13.69±2.0 g/dL and 41.38±5.8% for SCC group, and 13.27±1.9 g/dL and 39.9±5.9% for the control groupWe consider that if these findings are evaluated in terms of age and gender, the statistical information that will be obtained can be more efficient. Because the reference values both for hemoglobin and hematocrits differ depending on age and gender [2]. Haemoglobin analysis is based on light absorption at 540 nm.The conditions causing blurriness in the sample (hyperlipidemia, parenteral nutrition diseases, hypergammaglobulinemia, high WBC levels, crioglobulinemia, etc.) and high carboxy levels in smokers can interfere with haemoglobin measurement. Furthermore, because hematocrits measurement can be found either directly with hematocrits tube by means of centrifugation or with the number of MCV*Eritrocin, measurement errors in these parameters can affect the result [3]. The failure in obtaining knowledge about the mentioned subject in the study can cause semantic confusion in the reader Therefore, we think that considering the mentioned interference productive factors both of the patients and healthy people as excluding criteria will contribute to the researchers that will study this and similar subjects. The obtained findings are the ones between the years 2005 and 2013. By taking state procurement laws into account, it is probable that the methods and devices used for haemoglobin and hematocrits have changed. We consider that it is more proper for the reader to know which method and device they will use, because each method and device has its own properties. In such circumstances, getting into contact with laboratory specialist will be able to minimise uncertainties caused by method and device. Furthermore, it is stated in the statistical evaluation of the study that ANOVA, t-test and Chi-square test were used. When the findings of the study are examined, it can be realised that the researchers applied ANOVA test. However, when the given results are evaluated, it can discerned that t-test and Chi-square, which is a non-parametric test, were not used, and even if they were, the related data were not mentioned in the study. Therefore, we think that it may result in impairing cohesion for the readers.

Hakan Ayyıldız, Mehmet Kalaycı

Anahtar Kelimeler :

Dönem : 2015 | Cilt : 40 | Seri : 1 | Sayfalar : 92-93 | Doi : 10.5505/tjb.2015.82653

Okuma : 272 | İndirme : 294 | Yayınlama :